Heart Spirits
releasing the names of missing and murdered indigenous women and girls from the confines of an acronym
this project is being recognized internationally
Heart Spirits was selected by the Minneapolis St Paul International Airport as part of their ongoing commitment to connecting art and community
the project is currently on display at the Saskatchewan Legislature

Prince Albert MMIW Project
I realized, as an average Canadian, under the barrage of new stories at the outset of the MMIWG National Inquiry, I was losing touch with this important issue. Hundreds of missing & murdered women & girls were being reduced to an anonymous list, an acronym with little context.
The primary goal of this project is to release the names of missing and murdered indigenous Women and Girls from the confines of an acronym. They are women and girls of all ages each of with a history, family and a story. This project aims to shift our collective mindset by influencing emotions through the making of 1200 clay hearts - a real, physical reminder of the women and girls whose family’s hearts have been broken.

using clay as the medium
This project is one where each participant makes a clay heart named for a missing or murdered woman. Throughout the hour of workshop time, a narrative is presented, weaving meaning and understanding that crosses cultures. The clay hearts are bound to the narrative and neither individually is complete without the other.
there is dedication, commitment and hope offered up in these works
What I know for sure is that missing and murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is not solely a First Nations issue, not a women’s issue but a human one, a Canadian one and we all have to care about it.
this project is about women, but the scope goes beyond the female demographic
It is a general call to action, a subtle call to action. An invitation to view our world with softer eyes and kinder thoughts. As nuanced as it is a call to action it is a gentle reminder to all women that we matter; it is a reason for women and girls to be encouraged that equality awaits. It is a whisper to listen intuitively to the voices of our lost sisters, to help them with their pain and to commit to moving forward with strength and wisdom.

on display
the Heart Spirits project is currently on display at the Saskatchewan Legislative building. the project was revealed as part of Red Dress Day ceremonies
reaching a wide audience
the Heart Spirits project was recently on display at the Minneapolis St Paul International airport
travelers from all over the world were able to see and reflect